
These quick informative webinars address our most frequently asked questions and “hot topics”. 

Tune in as our instructional team presents new content, provides navigational tips, examines the power of skill work and actionable feedback. And more to come!

Explore Updated Spanish-Language Resources

Date/Time Held: Recorded Nov. 2024 & Jan. 2025

Hosted by: Empowering Writers 

These webinars will provide a detailed overview of the Empowering Writers Hub, highlighting key features and how to access Spanish-language resources.

Video 1 - We’ll also take a closer look at Unit 1, comparing the Spanish version to the English counterpart. The video concludes with a comparison of the Empowering Writers unit assessments to state assessments, illustrating their alignment in terms of language and format.

Video 2 -  Highlights three features of EW’s Editing & Revising Unit 1 for grades 3 & 4.

Reviewing the Outline
Choosing the Best Resources
Adapting Lessons to Your Students’ Needs

Constructed Response Series

Date/Time Held: October 2024

Hosted by: Empowering Writers - Dea Auray and Jennifer Seaton

Constructed Response tasks provide a perfect opportunity to make a tighter reading-writing connection! But you may be asking, “Am I equipped with everything I need to effectively teach the process?”


Empowering Assessment

Date/Time Held: Feb. 29 2024
Hosted by: Empowering Writers - Dea Auray

Dea reviewed several prompts and Empowering Writers strategies, as well as tools that students use to create rich responses.

She also shared several guiding tips for teachers who are looking for ways to be sure their students are ready for testing.

Using Data to Inform Instruction

Date/Time Held: Feb. 8 2024
Hosted By: Empowering Writers - Dea Auray and Jennifer Seaton

Join us as we analyze skills evident in student written responses and identify specific lessons and techniques that will ensure continuous improvement through the spring semester. 

Power of a Vertically Aligned Writing Curriculum


Date/Time Held: Jan. 25th 2024
Hosted by: Empowering Writers - Dea Auray and Diane Lazar

Diane and Dea discussed the benefits of vertical alignment from smaller gaps in learning to greater opportunities of teacher engagement.  They dove into just one strategy Empowering Writers teaches as an example and showed us growth from K through middle school.


A Sentence-a-Day K-2 Webinar


Date/Time Held: Jan. 11th 2024
Hosted By: Empowering Writers - Diane Lazar

Introducing A Sentence a Day - for K-2 teachers, coaches and curriculum leaders. Through a daily routine, learn how to develop basic sentence structure to impact student writing.


How to Best Use Your Reading Curriculum to Teach Sentence Structure and Text Comprehension


Date/Time Held: Dec. 8, 2023
Hosted By: 
Dea Auray and Penny Ezell

This dynamic webinar is sure to help you make the most of your reading curriculum!  Guide your students to understand text at the sentence level through syntax instruction while focusing on genre structure to aid with comprehension. We will investigate practical ways to build these connections through explicit instruction.


Empowering Your Reading Adoption


Date/Time Held: Nov. 14th 2023
Hosted By: Empowering Writers

Dea demonstrated how reading experiences that are full of engaging content and rich language can create ample opportunity to weave in your writing instruction. 

Also, click here to read an article written by Dea on the same subject - "Integrating Writing with Your Reading Adoption"


Actionable Feedback


Date/Time: On Demand
Hosted By: Empowering Writers

In this webinar learn the difference between feedback and actionable feedback based on skills taught. Look at student work and determine the strengths and weaknesses and the type of feedback that students can use to really improve their writing. Finally, use the Empowering Writers Rubric to asses student work and determine areas of focus.


Constructed Response Webinar


Date/Time Held: Nov. 2nd 2023
Hosted By: Empowering Writers

Diane and Jennifer reminded us how consistency, explicit instruction, and foundational skills are the core of what our students need to learn how to respond in writing.  They showed several strategies EW teachers use to empower effective responses so students can answer the prompt and respond to what they read. 


Writing Across Content Areas


Date/Time Held: Oct. 17th 2023
Hosted By: Empowering Writers

Diane and Dea shared several EW examples in multiple grades showing how our EW methodology, foundational skills and strategies, easily move into other content areas supporting student instruction, thinking, learning and reflection.


Planning and Pacing

Date/Time Held: Oct. 5th 2023
Hosted By: Empowering Writers

Understanding how the lessons progress and utilizing the planning and pacing tools simplifies the implementation