5 Best Lessons on Constructed Response
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5 Best Lessons on Constructed Response

Making the Most of the Reading-Writing Connection

All too often, we hear teachers say, “There’s just not enough time left to spend on writing.” This problem seems to illustrate that teachers do not always recognize the inherent connections between reading and writing. By establishing the reading and writing relationship, using every reading experience as an opportunity to teach and reinforce core-writing concepts, writing is not isolated as a separate subject, but rather part of all text experiences. This type of thinking creates endless opportunities for teaching foundational skills in writing that exist within every reading experience. This way of strategizing also takes advantage of writing instruction as a vehicle for teaching text structures, organization, genre, and purpose – all of which contribute to developing the close strategic reading skills expected in the 21st-century classroom.

Reading-Writing Connection

Click below to watch "Applying Writing Skills to Reading"